Mini-Pod: 10 Vital Questions for a Sex Check-Up!

In the mid-week scramble, your sexual intimacy life may be the last thing on your mind...

But can you say the same for your spouse?

And do you really want it to be this way?

As you know, this steamy month of July we're taking you through the basics and the depths of healthy sexual intimacy for your marriage
right here on the pod!

In this E + M mini just for you, you get to walk through a Vital Sex Checkup for Your Marriage to make sure your expectations (and sexpectations) for the roles you hope you and your spouse play in your sexual journey together line up with what true intimacy and closeness are really all about!

These vital questions will take you on a deeper level of intimacy than you’ve ever been before, so take them one at a time and make sure you keep your marriage healthy with this check-up as we pace together!

Questions we visit:

Should you have sex when you're stressed?
How can you decide how often you have sex?
How can you make one another feel truly loved but also have fun?
Should you enjoy sex for drawing closer or having sex after you feel close?

These and more important questions are all
here waiting for you! We also have a new intimacy freebie on this show just for you to draw you closer in other ways in the show notes! Be sure to visit for more fun and learning, too!


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